The Biz Journal sent a photographer over to snap a picture, so you'll see Augie in front of the couple's Milwaukee boutique, along with his canine friend, Spider, in a pet stroller.
You can read the article here.

They have the Dogster and Catster logos on their webpage, so we thought that we would give them a plug. They're offering $10.00 off any stroller over $100. until June 1, 2008 if you use code petstroller10k. There must be some reason that they've sold 11,475 strollers as of May 9, 2008...
This blog is dedicated to providing tips and information to pet lovers about Pet Strollers. Unheard of just a couple years ago, today Pet Strollers are becoming common as an easy way to get a cat, dog, or other pet to the vet and around the town. What are they? How are they used? We hope pet lovers will help post their advice and questions here!