The e-commerce site for pet lovers participated in the Dog Gift Bag for Emmy Presenters in the EXTRA Awards Lounge. A Happy Trails Pet Stroller was among the gifts available to celebrities. Several stars have requested their own pet stroller for their cats and dogs.
If you want to feel like a Hollywood celeb and have deep pockets, you can bid on the same Dog Bag that the stars perused, and it's all for charity. You too could own a pet stroller along with many, many other upscale gifts for pets, just visit Charity Folks to place your bid! (The current bid is $9500, and there is still time to bid!)
In addition, Just Pet Strollers had two strollers included in the September/October edition of "Cooking with Paula Deen" magazine. The article "Pet Parade" featured two big photos of a Kittywalk Pet Stroller and the Happy Trails Plus.
And, while we can't give you details, watch your favorite sitcom in September and you may see a Kittywalk Pink SUV Pet stroller featured! A show staffer called and ordered one to appear in the show, so we'll be watching (but we have to keep the show secret for now.)

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