We received a nice message and photo from a happy customer and wanted to share it:
I just wanted to tell you how much I love the pet stroller. Enclosed you can tell my Yorkies loves their first day’s ride as well.Thanks Debbie! Glad they love it! (And if any of you visitors have comments or photos on pet strollers, please send them our way!)
I was asked to leave walmart becasue I had my puppy all zipped up in the stroller! is this fare?
I'm sorry to hear that! I'm not sure I can comment on whether it is fair or not since, I guess, every store or mall has the right to decide if they want a pet on premise (whether or not it is safely secured in a pet stroller.) I think it's a stupid decision on the part of Wal-Mart, but I don't suppose there's much you can do (other than complain to the manager or stop shopping there.)
I will add that we get comments all the time from people who are permitted to take their pets to places like malls provided they're in a pet stroller. Sometimes people ask permission (which we recommend) and sometimes people just roll their pet stroller into a mall or store and wait for someone to notice and care.
We also occasionally hear from people who are asked to leave or who are not granted permission. I think that's a bad decision on the part of the store--after all, how can a pet in a stroller cause trouble? (I suppose the store doesn't know if any one person will be conscientious about keeping their pet in the stroller, getting their pet outside should nature call occur, etc.)
I think you'll find other stores or malls that permit your pet stroller, and I'd guess we'll continue to see attitudes change about this. More and more people are buying carriers and pet strollers so they can take their pets to places, and stores that are short-sighted will lose business! (Did you hear that California is passing a law to test allowing pets to dine with their human companions at outdoor restaurants and cafes? That's a positive sign!)
That just doesn't seem fair; I know it is the store's right to decide. You were asked to leave because you wanted to shop with your puppy (child), under control, zipped up, in a stroller. Yet, every day women shop with children that are screaming, crying, throwing temper tantrums, running around totally uncontrolled and sometimes, even, unsupervised. At Walmart, I have had to listen to children screaming until I thought my hearing was damaged and I have been run into with shopping carts pushed by children racing up and down the aisles, hard enough to leave scrapes and bruises. Do they or their parents ever apologize? No! Yet, they are welcome and your puppy is not. No, it isn't fair.
You make great points! And I agree--it isn't fair. Of course, Wal-Mart doesn't need to be fair. They can set whatever rules they want (no matter how silly.)
Personally, I completely and totally agree with you. There is no reason to make an issue about a pet secure in a stroller if you're going to allow children to treat the store like a playground.
Still, I doubt there is little one can do if they are asked to leave the premises with their pet in a pet stroller. You can complain to the store manager, you can change your shopping habits, and/or you can report the incident to the home office via their Web site--but in the end, they can Wal-Mart (or any store) can set their own policies.
Maybe we need to take a petition so that stores know we pet lovers have expectations. Then again, there may not be enough of us pet stroller users as of yet to change any minds. But the numbers are growing--did you see pet strollers featured on the NBC's Today Show on Monday!
I'm sorry to hear that about Walmart. I ran into another woman that had a little Yorkie and they would not let her in Walmart and it was a puppy the size of your hand. We can't leave these liitle ones in the car in the heat or the cold. Yet they love to get out and ride in the car. This world is crazy ! And yes. Most dogs are better behaved than some children. Oh... by the way, I've had No Trouble getting in Target with my shih tzu. :)
I have a Yorkie, and I had no trouble getting in Target either. I carried her in, in my arms. I then put her in the store basket!!
I have a little one and I had her in a puppy purse and actually shopped and paid and was leaving the store. Then the receipt checker fussed at me. I said that I didn't see any signs posted. She said that it was a state law (NM) that you could not have pets in a place where they sold food.
My Father who was in his 70's at the time tried to take his little poodle in Walmart, which he had always done, until they made it a super Walmart and they said it was because they served and sold food there now that he could not take her, even though she was small enough to fit inside his jacket which is where he had her except for her little head sticking out which was no bigger than a tea cup. I'd much rather see small well behaved dogs in the store than most of the children that are not made to mind now a days. Parents let them run wild and the little dogs are in the care of someone that is responsible.
I've got more dog hair on my clothes from my large shedding dog, than my small non-shedding dog could drop in a store, for those people who are allergic to doghair. Yet they don't let the little dog in but my jacket can come in just fine.
Most states, and maybe all states, have rules about animals being around food. It may be that your Walmart has an area where food is served, and they feel that having the dog in the store is a violation of that law.
Of course, I want to take my 2 dogs everywhere and am unhappy that there are places that do not allow them, but I always ask first and sometimes even call ahead just to be sure my babies are welcome. If food is not served there and the dogs are confined, the answer usually is "yes." When it is "no" there is usually a good reason given.
And about the outdoor dining thing, I'm originally from CA and there are cafes around that allow dogs outside. It is so neat to see people with their pets out in the morning having their cup of java and reading a paper or chatting with their fellow dog lovers.
Thanks Darlene!
You know what I've always wondered: Why are there state rules against dogs in restaurants. Now, don't get me wrong, I think poorly-behaved dogs don't belong in crowded environments. I also totally understand why most restaurants don't want dogs in their eating areas.
But here's the question: If a restaurant wants to permit dogs, why should be prevented from doing so? After all, aren't there a million households in this country were dogs are allowed in the kitchen? Have you ever heard of someone getting sick because a dog was in the kitchen while someone was preparing food?
I'm not expert, but i wonder what the health risk really is?
Luckily I have only had problems with Costco in taking my mini Doxie in a zippered dog purse. However, with a jacket covering the top (there are air holes on the side), I do not have trouble with restaurants, or movies. In fact, I take him everywhere, grocery stores, Malls, etc., and no one has complained (except Costco)or asked me to leave.
Basically, pets are not allowed where food is sold...Walmart, Costco, Sam's Club and Target all sell or serve food...they fall into the same category as restaurants. It's not about fairness, but Government regulations about food safety and handling, etc.
I am boycotting WalMart for throwing me out because I had my little 2 month old Yorkie who was only a pound and a half at the time! He was so tiny, I had him zipped into my jacket and you could barely see his little face. It was midnight and nobody was even shopping there and the WalMart people were SO RUDE! I've never had a problem taking my little "Rocky" anywhere before. If WalMart hates puppies so much, they should not be allowed to make money from selling pet supplies and food! I take Rocky into Target and the mall all the time and everyone loves him, but no more WalMart for us!
I'm not such a big fan of Wal-Mart anyway, but it does seem unfortunate for them to make a big deal out of puppy that's not making any fuss.
I hope you find plenty of places to go shopping with your dog!
If they started allowing people to bring dogs in the stores..stroller or not, then more people would start doing it and it would eventually get out of hand. There are people who have allergies as well, and even if the dog is in a stroller, it can still make an allergic person really sick. Wall mart would have to start posting signs saying "Dogs may be on premises" and legal issues would be coming up. It is best in all cases to leave your dog at home, instead of being cooped up in a stroller while you are doing your shopping....and leave the shopping trips to the pet store with your pet.
about being cooped up in a stroller, to some people there pets are there kids, if you have a well behaved little dog that you have in a stroller, or a carrier, I am sure that to that pet they are happier with their owner than alone at home. So many things on the market these days to take your pet securely with you. If you had a barking loud dog then i could see being asked to leave the store, just as if your child was running and screaming knocking down people etc. which i have seen in stores, and no one does anything about it! There should be rules, and if broken then be asked to leave. But speaking for myself, my beautiful dogs would always rather be with me then at home,my little yorkie gets excited when she sees me getting out the puppy purse!
Thanks Anonymous! Appreciate the comments!
My 8 year old daughter got a tiny little dog and spent all her saved money on a sweater and diamond collar and a pet purse so she could take her "baby" everywhere. Even though she bought all these things in Walmart when she took him in his little zipped purse and he was sleeping not making a peep as she carried him she was chased down by a Walmart greeter who proceeded to kick her out, I told her we had seen several women there with their purse dogs and that was why she had brought hers. The lady didn't care and said she had to leave. My daughter cried all the way home and was also worried I was mad that she got us kicked out and embarassed. I also did not see any posted sigs prohibiting it but constantly see people in hardly any clothes & some who don't even have shoes on! Shame on you Wal-Mart!!
Would I like to take my dog everywhere with me? Of course. Do I? No, because I understand that stores (especially those that sell food) have health requirements they are required to follow. While my dog might be all clean and pest free...is everyones going to be? Would you really want to buy food from a store where someone brings in a dog that looks diseased and pest ridden? The fact is while your pet might be a picture of health and sophistication ....for every dog like that, there are hundreds more that aren't.
Thanks for posting. We don't disagree--dogs don't belong everywhere. And, I do feel that we should respect laws and, of course, the right of private enterprise to set their own rules.
That said, we could be A LOT more open to creating a dog-friendly (and cat-friendly) world. In Europe, people take dogs into restaurants, and last time I checked they were not suffering some sort of dog-borne pandemic in Europe.
Moreover, there's simply the facts of the matter. 59.5% of all homes in the US have pets (http://www.usatoday.com/life/lifestyle/2007-12-10-pet-survey_N.htm.) That means around 60M dinners are prepared and served in households containing pets every day--22 BILLION dinners cooked and consumed in the presence of pets every year in the US. Exactly how many times have you heard of these people getting sick because a dog or cat was around?
Yes, dogs and cats have a place, and yes letting them run loose in busy places is a very bad idea. Still, it seems this country has a hangup that other countries don't, and if there's evidence dogs and cats pose a health danger to our food supply, I have yet to see any evidence.
I was hoping to buy a pet stroller for my Dachshund who has been diagnosed with back problems. The vet insist we keep her crated all day ( except bathroom purposes).She has never been crated and hates to be alone . I
was hoping this would be a great solution but now I am very discouraged. I agree that animals should not be around food but if they are safely secure then it should not be a problem.
I would much rather see a dog in a stroller than some of the things I have had to put up with in various stores and restraunts: Employees and customers not washing hands after restroom, children picking noses or hands in mouth then handling the food or product that I was looking at , childern and adults spitting in the aisle while Im standing there and my favorite of all; people groping each other or cursing like sailors in front of my 6 year old .Yet no one will approach these people and ask them to leave because they do not want to lose business. Doggie strollers seem to be a growing trend and places of business need to figure out some guidelines and start allowing pet lovers to bring their babies with them . Because If she can't go then I can't shop and that is the end of my business.
I used to work at Walmart and one time I heard a child crying telling her mother she had to go to the bathroom. The mom kept saying in a minute. Then I heard the little girl peeing on the floor. Did mom stop shopping? No. Did Walmart tell her to leave. No.
But you can' talk your dog into Walmart?
This was Supercenter 2920 about 8 years ago.
Thanks for the story, Anonymous,
It does seem ridiculous. I guess in the end Walmart can set any rules it wants--it's up to consumers to decide if those rules are appropriate and whether they want to shop there!
Wal-Mart needs to step into the present. I only shop at Wal-Mart at between 7 and 8AM to avoid the screaming, uncontrolled children let loose by their parents as if it is Disneyworld. They not only pull items from the shelves and play with them in the aisles, they come crashing into you and look at you like it is your fault. Wal-Mart needs to ban Children, not dogs in an enclosed stroller.
Yes I was kicked out of Target yesterday, because I had my little pug mix in a pet stroller. She was sleeping the whole time we were there, till somebody that worked there saw it.
the pet strollers is good and not only yorkies but all Americans love Pet strollers too
That's so cute pair of yorkies. I wonder if they are identical twins. Nice blog.
HI All....I would like some advice from you all...I am considering getting a stroller for my cat.....There is a wide range of prices, so I presume that means quality has a range too. Could you all provide feedback re your purchases? Did you buy on line? Do you get a lot of use out of your purchase? Were you happy with your stroller? Any other feedback re stroller would be appreciated....BTW, I am looking for a stroller for my cat.
I just wanted to tell you how much I love the pet stroller. ... ppetstroller.blogspot.com
I also went inside with my 4 lb Maltese and was asked to leave.I brought my dog with me to buy a collar and a leash.l also needed a new bed and we we pads.sorry Walmart but my money spends just as well in dog friendly stores and it did.your loss not mine!
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