Sunday, July 31, 2005

Will my pet chew through the netting?

We received a question today from a customer: "Will my cat chew through the netting?" We've never had a report of this (and we've sold hundreds and hundreds of pet strollers.)

First of all, customers report that their pets are too fascinated with their surroundings and views from the stroller to chew on the stroller netting. (Remember one of the pet stroller hints: Only put the pet in the pet stroller when you are taking them outside. You want them to look forward to their rides in the pet stroller and not think of it as confining. For other hints, visit

Secondly, most of the pet strollers have such a fine netting that it really wouldn't be possible for a cat or dog to chew through it. And the pet strollers that have wider netting (such as the Kittywalk line) are constructed from durable nylon netting, so it's tough to imagine a pet biting through.

While this doesn't have anything to do with the question of netting, we did receive a great e-mail from a pet stroller customer today, and I wanted to share it:

I received my Happy Trails stroller the other day and assembled it. It is great! The "assembly" just consisted of putting the wheels and drink tray on so even I could do it.

I put my miniature pinscher into it and he immediately loved it. He is young (about 2 years old) and I figured he would want out on the ground to walk and sniff --- that wasn't the case. He was playing "King of the Hill" in the stroller.

I was also more than pleased with the quality of the stroller, it is made better than some that I see that people use for their children!!!

From Zeda, Union City, CA

Thanks Zeda, and if any other readers have ideas or recommendations to share, please send them to or visit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I second the compliment for the Happy Trails. (And my cat has never any interest in chewing the netting, so the person who asked that doesn't need to worry).
